Jenn Kovalski

A collection of Insights

Enjoying The Slow Moments

From Jenn Kovalski Hello All! It has been a while since I have connected with some of you. I am back from my second maternity leave and working with my favorite team on a part-time basis planning our 9th Annual Jimmy Fund Golf Tournament. My second daughter, Brooke Evelyn Elstermeyer, was born on 11/7/2023. Brooke…


Quiet Summer

Where does the summer go!? This month of July seemingly has flown by, and get this folks, I have not been to the beach yet once! Sadly, my beloved days at the beach have been dictated by the constant (incorrectly predicted) rain in New England and Tessa’s stringent nap schedule. Beach days have been replaced…

Father’s Day

Despite what I told my husband yesterday, Father’s Day is this weekend, not in two weeks. I am as unprepared for this holiday as I am for this article. I do feel kind of bad about my lack of preparation because I am surrounded by some seriously awesome super dads and father-like figures who deserve…


Spring Things

Spring is here, it can be a fleeting sensation given the still hovering above raw temperatures. But when you feel the warmth of the sun and see the daffodils, tulips and hyacinth popping up, it sure is a reassuring and optimistic feeling. Personally, I think spring has a stronger ‘fresh start’ feel than New Years….

red wine beef stew

What’s Up With The Guys

What are “the guys” up to these days you may be wondering?  Specifically, where they’re going, what they’re doing and using lately. Well, I can answer that for you very easily, nothing and everything. Some things change, and some things really stay the same, but they stay dedicated to finding joy outside of the office…

writers block

Proactive Procrastination

I am having vivid flashbacks to high school and college, so real, it has me sweating and glancing at the clock constantly. It’s 9pm and I am writing my personal article the day before it’s due. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say (hah!) it’s just that I don’t know what to say….

Santa in Naples

Holiday Giving Inspiration 2022

Here is the Holiday Gifting Inspiration list for 2022. I feel the need to always say that the Holidays are obviously not about giving and receiving gifts, however the majority of us do exchange gifts with those we love around this time of year. It can be stressful when you do not know what to…


Big Winners and Big Losers

Winning is great, isn’t it!? Anyone who is remotely competitive probably has a resounding yes to that hypothetical question. I think Tom Brady once summarized some of his most successful seasons as a Patriot were credited to the fact that the team despised losing more than they enjoyed winning. On Monday and Tuesday, the lines…


FundrAIZing Impact

We are approaching our 7th Annual Jimmy Fund Golf Tournament which is set for this Friday. This year we are fundraising for the research, treatment, and cure of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) in honor of Mike Aizenstadt.  We are often asked to donate to various charities and fundraisers throughout the course of the year, and…

tessa beach

Cat Days of Summer

Here we are, August 3rd. Approaching the ‘cat’ days of summer as they should have said! Summer is my favorite season, and in my prior years I would spend it at the beach as much as the weather would allow. I had the whole beach trip onboard and offboarding down to an origami-like science ensuring…

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