9th Annual
Jimmy Fund
Golf Tournament
Monday, September 23rd, 2024 @ Marshfield Country ClubWe hold a golf tournament every year to support the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and The Jimmy Fund. The decision was an easy one—Dana Farber holds more patents for cancer treatments than anyone else in the world. This doesn’t happen by wishing for a cure, it happens with dedication, time, and money.
Monday, September 23rd
11am – Registration
12pm – Shotgun start
5pm – Party & prizes at the 19th hole
Marshfield Country Club
515 Moraine Street, Marshfield, MA
Sign up
Register today by e-mailing
Alex Weiss (aweiss@napierfinancial.com) or
Jenn Kovalski (jkovalski@napierfinancial.com)
$250 per Golfer | $1000 per Foursome*
100 Percent
of your contribution goes directly to DanaFarber/TheJimmyFund, with golf and other activities paid for by Napier.
*Pay online here or by check.
All checks should be made payable to “DFCI /The Jimmy Fund”
In the memo of the check write “Napier AML 2024”
Mail Check Address:
ATTN: Alex Weiss
30 Braintree Hill Office Park
Braintree, MA 02184
Napier will forward them on to DFCI for immediate processing.

“We’re always very humbled at the generosity and responsiveness of our friends.”