

Fridays on the 405

At the end of a trying week of elementary school, us kids deserved a release, an exclamation point crossing the threshold from learning minds to wacky-weekend-warriors. After years of observation and experimentation, our beautiful brains learned that we could clip in seatbelts from across the aisle to create a makeshift swing. Parlay that with ‘the…


My Kind of Golf

Golf has always been an interesting sport to me. I try my hand a few times every year, enjoy more than a few beers with my friends, and judge how well I do by if I finish with any of the balls that I brought.  So far…….no luck. That’s why TopGolf has always sounded like…


Disney For The Win!

Last week, Ashley and I took our two girls down to Disney for a week to spend some much-needed family time together. The trip was a blast and we had near perfect weather to accompany us, which helps. It started with our girls’ first time in an airplane – which, at that moment, was the…


California Dreaming

What a week my wife Deidre and I had visiting beautiful southern California. We were in town for one of my cousin’s weddings and decided to go the week leading up to the wedding as a small vacation. Staying at my grandparent’s house in Vista, we certainly made the most of our time. Here is…


Southbound and Down

We head out tomorrow – another beautiful week in sunny south Florida to visit our families.  Jennas mom, who the kids call Nana Lise, lives in southeast Florida, while my parents, John, and Joan (Nana Joanie and Papa) live in southwest Florida.  The kids have a blast every year and look forward to it with…

sitting at sunset

Making Cents: The Rule of 168

The rule of 168 isn’t some fancy way of seeing how fast your money doubles or a code section from the IRS, it is a law of life.  The law is that there are only 168 hours in a week, and you need to use them wisely if you want to live the ideal life…

Scituate Spring 4

Spring Has Sprung

Maybe a day earlier than many remember, but at 3/20 just after 11 PM, the Spring Equinox is upon us! All that really means is that the days are now longer than the nights, and for many of us that is a welcoming sight. This is officially my 68th spring, and I think that it…

Stop that Train

Just a few weeks back, our oldest, Natalie, asked us if she could take a train ride because she has only seen them and not been on one yet. Not like we avoided it – it just hadn’t happened yet! Then on a bright and sunny Saturday morning, we decided to check the commuter rail…

car show

Need for Speed

As any car enthusiast can attest, winters are always the worst time of year in New England. Many of us put away our favorite cars for the season to avoid the buildup of rust and the mountains of salt and sand deposited on the road that tear away at the undercarriage. Being unable to drive…

The Stupid Bowl

Is it my age or is the Super Bowl losing some of its luster? My friends who are Giants fans are thinking that I’m spoiled from all the Patriot’s Super Bowl appearances, and that I just can’t accept any other teams being in the big game. That is not true, I found that when my…

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