From the Team
Our thoughts on finances, planning, and life in general.
Disney For The Win!
Last week, Ashley and I took our two girls down to Disney for a week to spend some much-needed family time together. The trip was a blast and we had near perfect weather to accompany us, which helps. It started with our girls’ first time in an airplane – which, at that moment, was the...Recent Insights
Fridays on the 405
At the end of a trying week of elementary school, us kids deserved a release, an exclamation point crossing the threshold from learning minds to wacky-weekend-warriors. After years of observation and experimentation, our beautiful brains learned that we could clip in seatbelts from across the aisle to create a makeshift swing. Parlay that with ‘the…
My Kind of Golf
Golf has always been an interesting sport to me. I try my hand a few times every year, enjoy more than a few beers with my friends, and judge how well I do by if I finish with any of the balls that I brought. So far…….no luck. That’s why TopGolf has always sounded like…
Making Cents: Does Using an Entity To Own Property Provide Protection?
As with many things financial, the answer is maybe. The type of protection and the type of entity you are using will determine just how protected your assets are from potential problems. A very common example is the ownership of rental real estate. If you own rental real estate in your own name, and someone…
Disney For The Win!
Last week, Ashley and I took our two girls down to Disney for a week to spend some much-needed family time together. The trip was a blast and we had near perfect weather to accompany us, which helps. It started with our girls’ first time in an airplane – which, at that moment, was the…
Making Cents: Is Retirement All It Is Cracked Up To Be?
According to a business owner who recently failed at retirement, ‘retirement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be’. For this individual, it wasn’t about the money, it was about the feeling of loss once he wasn’t the boss and in control. He felt as if his purpose in life had simply disappeared. This is more…
Making Cents: Real World Finance for your College Graduate
As another college graduating class enters the real world, please use this opportunity to give them the only formal lesson they likely didn’t get in college. That lesson is real world finance 101 and how to live fiscally responsibly and within your means. There are many new grads looking for work related to their newly…