Asking someone for money isn’t fun or easy for me.  But then I recognized three facts thanks to my friend Mike Aizenstadt who invited me to a Jimmy Fund Golf DFCI fundraising event 8 years ago.

  • I have never met a family that was not impacted by cancer
  • The Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) uses nearly 90 cents of every dollar raised for direct cancer research
  • DFCI has more patents and treatments than any other institution in the cancer research world

Mike has been a major supporter of DFCI for years. From that minute forward, we knew that it was DFCI that was going to get our support.

This is our 7th year in a row supporting DFCI, and this one is a very special occasion.  In February, my DFCI mentor and friend, Mike Aizenstadt was suddenly diagnosed with a deadly form of Leukemia. A few short years ago, Mike may have never made it out of the hospital.  But in 2022, he received aggressive cutting-edge treatments that now has him at home, with a positive attitude and in isolation from a recent bone marrow transplant.

This year, our fundraising efforts will be specifically directed to the ongoing research that helped save Mike’s life. Yet another cool thing about DFCI is that they allow us to direct where our funds are utilized. These funds don’t help Mike directly, but they help keep his attitude positive and his fund-raising efforts alive, albeit from his bed at home for the next 70 days.

If you’ve attended one of our golf outings, the 19th hole extravaganza or simply clicked on the link to donate – Thank You.  I ask that you contribute again to this great cause. You can golf, attend the party or just click this link to donate.

Cancer is nothing to celebrate.  But our clients’ and friends’ generosity and the progress being made by DFCI is reason to celebrate.  Please help us on 9/23/2022.