Taken from one of my favorite rom-coms, Jennifer Garner’s 13 Going on 30 – this title/mantra from a 13-year-old teenage girl has taken up far too much real estate in my head recently. Though I am not flirty nor unquestionably thriving, I am in fact thirty as of mid-June. And though my mom loves to tell me that her 30’s was her favorite decade, I fear that the absolute freedom I enjoy today is on its way out.

There’s certainly an argument to be made that my diminishing freedom is overall a good thing, but it’s the spontaneity that I believe I will miss most. So, what do I do? Jam as much excitement in as possible, with little regard for sleep, of course! Here are some highlights from my third-life crisis:

I am proud to report that my thirst for spontaneity and travel is nearly quenched, with one last long weekend trip planned for the rest of the summer. In the future I hope to tame these urges with local hikes and the occasional dinner out as opposed to red-eye flights and sleeping upright. Only time will tell!