Where does the summer go!? This month of July seemingly has flown by, and get this folks, I have not been to the beach yet once! Sadly, my beloved days at the beach have been dictated by the constant (incorrectly predicted) rain in New England and Tessa’s stringent nap schedule. Beach days have been replaced by playgrounds and a kiddie pool. Trips to the Cape have been replaced by jaunts around town and the neighborhood. It has been a quiet summer.

All the weekend thunderstorms and rain have certainly helped my untended garden. I simply don’t have the time like BC (before child) to lovingly prune, plant, water, my plants. There is something to be said for that though, they seem to be fine and thriving without my TLC, even though it is kind of hurtful.

We are trying to enjoy each quiet summer day we have as our family of three. When baby girl #2 arrives come November, we know she will bring lots more love, and fun, and a lot less sleep.

I hope you are enjoying your summer, you have a full 2 months left (September is a summer month), so I hope you are able to take some pleasure in the small stuff, even if it’s different than the past.

Here are some pictures of Tessa enjoying our “quiet” summer: