Despite what I told my husband yesterday, Father’s Day is this weekend, not in two weeks. I am as unprepared for this holiday as I am for this article. I do feel kind of bad about my lack of preparation because I am surrounded by some seriously awesome super dads and father-like figures who deserve a day of extra recognition and love. 

I remember growing up, my sister and I would always make our gift in school and hide it away until Sunday morning when we would wake my dad up early in extreme anticipation of his priceless reaction to our creativity and artistic genius. “Pencil Cups” made from popsicle sticks and recycled coffee tins, handmade key chains, drawings, picture frames, paper ties, mugs, coasters, the list of gifts goes on. When my sister and I got older, we would ask my dad what he wanted, he would always say a “nice can of cashews”. 

My dad, who is hardly the pack rat, has saved every single one of these things that my sister and I have crafted over the years. The “pencil cup” is still in use by the way! 

I have thought a lot about what to give to the fathers in my life for this Father’s Day. I don’t go crazy with gifts by any means, but I like to acknowledge the day with something. So here are a few ideas to get the fellow procrastinators going: 

  • Sunglasses 
  • A “nice can of cashews” or nuts 
  • A high-quality straw hat for those who love to spend time outdoors 
  • Hammock 
  • For those who like to gift experiences: a fishing charter trip, a trip to Green Harbor Lobster Pound (for the best lobster rolls of all time), a trip to the local ice cream shop for a treat (bonus if it’s Farfar’s) a golf lesson, boating lesson… 

At the end of the day, I think all dad’s just like (and deserve) a little extra pat on the back, a hug and kiss and being told that they are loved and appreciated. That is what is most important. 

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads and father figures!