Ben and Jennifer

Disjointed and Incomplete

Making career changes mid-life can have exciting but unexpected financial outcomes.

The Background

Ben and Jennifer are in their mid-40’s. Both are thriving and earning substantially more than in their prior lives as employees. 

The Process

We reviewed their entire financial picture – assets, liabilities, debt, insurance coverage, simple wills, and tax returns. 

According to Ben and Jen

The hardest part of this process was making the time to find someone who could act as a fiduciary and assist on all fronts.

Their biggest take-away was the peace of mind that their minor children will be protected and that they now understand the complexity and inter-dependencies of all the moving parts of their financial life.

A close second, however, was the realization that her parents’ old plan was a disaster waiting to happen, with most of those unnecessary problems falling on her lap as the former executor of their old wills.

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