My neighbor and her family recently purchased a suite at a Red Sox Game to celebrate her mother’s 70th birthday. Her mom is a lifelong fan and had only been to one game back when she was a child. So, 25 family members, (yes, 25!) treated her to a day at the park in a luxury booth. When I caught up with my neighbor afterwards, she said her mom declared that “it was probably the best day of my life”. I thought to myself, really? A day at Fenway Park was really the best day of someone’s life?

All of this led me to think, what would my ‘best day ever’ be?

What would my parents or husbands be? On a personal level, since 2020 there has been a whirlwind of great experiences that often are deemed ‘best day ever(s)’ in my own life. I got engaged, married, had a baby… and they were all special moments.

Truthfully, I am ashamed to say I cannot think of one day that was start to finish the best day of my life. Truly horrified about this revelation, I was ready to phone a therapist until I realized maybe a ‘best day ever’ is the summation of best moments. Perhaps for some folks this is only experienced later in life. So, it makes sense that day spent at Fenway Park enjoying a game of baseball was the best day of her life. It had all her favorite moments summed up; her husband, kids, grandkids and it involved her passion.

Conversely, since March 2020 many of us have also had ‘worst day ever(s)’ since we were forced to miss out on potential ‘best day ever’ life. It rings true that sometimes it’s easier to recall the bad than the good.

What is your ‘best day ever’? Please share, I would love to hear it. I would also like to think that each best day ever can always be outdone and I’m curious to know if this is true.