That doesn’t usually invoke people’s warm and fuzzy side ‘round these parts – and by March I know I will be singing a different tune as well.  All jokes aside, my family has had a pretty great run since Labor Day, and in my opinion the best (Thanksgiving) is yet to come.  This year my crew managed to pack in ALL of the cliché “Fall in New England” activities.  We went apple picking, went on hayrides, spent a day at Sauchuk Farm, picked pumpkins, carved pumpkins, enjoyed the foliage, and managed to cram in more than a half dozen Halloween events and parties.  With most of the season left on the clock, I think I’m ready to move on!

Last Saturday Ellie and Jack started ice skating lessons, and they both loved it!  It was their first time on the ice without Mom, Dad, or a milk crate holding them up.  They did great.  Sure, there were a couple tumbles, and standing up was a challenge, but they did it with smiles.  They’re looking forward to their next Saturday morning lesson and perhaps more importantly, the skating rink French fries that follow suit.  Jenna and I on the other hand are looking forward to family time on the pond, and the skating rink at Spruce Peak in Stowe this winter!

On another note – if the pattern of rain we dealt with this summer continues into the winter, we may have one heck of a ski season ahead of us.  I’ll add that to the list of exciting winter activities to look forward to with the kids.