While it’s far too late in the year to still be saying it, this is my first personal note in 2024 so, Happy New Year everyone!  We hope 2024 will be filled with love, joy, and personal growth for everyone.  In our home we are EXPECTING big things…

You guessed it: Another baby Nap is due in July!  This is our fourth, and it is John and Joan’s eighth (!!) grandchild in six years.

Jenna and I are over the moon with excitement.  Ellie, Jack, and Grayson can’t wait to meet their newest companion.  We just found out the gender, and we will be sharing that news with the kids tonight.  I don’t want to spoil the surprise, nor can I resist turning this into a game… so, let’s play!  What is your guess?  Are we adding another princess, or a slugger to our crew?


Vote Here!


Ellie is convinced we have a baby girl on the way, after all, “we already have brothers” and another boy just wouldn’t make sense.  She’s looking forward to teaching a sister the ropes, and while she loves her brothers, she would adore a little sister.  Jack and Gray on the other hand are excited to wrestle, throw balls, and share their love of toy cars and trucks with another baby boy.  They all agree that it’s going to be fun and exciting either way, and none of us can wipe the smiles off our faces.

On the other hand, the planner in me can’t ignore a few logistical issues we need to iron out.  It seems that any way we slice it Jack and Gray will be bunking up.  Good luck boys… it adds character!