We have been planning for the last few months to update our office space, and the day is finally here. Our office has not been updated in a decade, so we are very excited to give it a fresh look. On Saturday, the demolition crew will begin taking down a few walls, ripping up the carpet, and adding a fresh coat of paint. We have mentioned this update to most people that will receive this email and we’ve had a few questions, so we thought it was best to answer them here: 


Where are we working during construction? 

We have built our team, technologies and systems so that we can all work from home. It will be a flashback to the start of COVID, but with much more flexibility and freedom.  


Is your office & mailing address the same? 

Yes – same exact mailing address before, during, and after construction.  


What happens to mail? 

Business as usual. A team member will be at the office daily to check on mail (plus any construction progress). Please continue to give us a heads up if you plan to send any mail so we can track and monitor it.  


How will we get a hold of you? 

The same way you normally do. Our email and phone systems will have no interruption and the best way to call us will be to use our direct dial numbers. The only change here is that the old general line phone number (781-849-9200) will no longer work.  


If I need to meet in person, how can you accommodate that during construction? 

We will have access to two conference rooms in the office park that we can book with about a week’s notice. Additionally, we could meet at a location mutually convenient to both parties (coffee shop, restaurant, your business, your home, …).  


How long will the construction take? 

The construction timeline indicated approximately 4-6 weeks, which likely translates to 6-8 weeks. We estimate our official move-in date will be in late May into early June.  


What kind of updates are we making in the ‘new’ office? 

We are keeping the front half layout exactly as is with updates to the wall colors and floors. We will be adding some glass to open up the back part of the office, updating our kitchen, and adding a lounge area.  


If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to any member of the team.  Interested in the progress?  We will continue to share progress photos here. 


Until next time…