Fridays at the Weiss household are always a little crazy. It usually starts before the sun even rises as we approach the end of the week. Everyone is excited for the weekend, but it is time for our oldest (Natalie) to go to school or now summer camp. I need to speak with my wife Ashley about how this mini tradition started, but if you are lucky enough to live in our house you get munchkins on Fridays!

The funny part of getting munchkins is Natalie RARELY eats all of them. And it doesn’t matter the amount. We typically ask for 3-5 chocolate glazed munchkins. She will always save a few for a friend, some after school, maybe 1 for her sister… but never her dad. I just watch the delicious treats all day to make sure they are safe. The other funny part is we usually just ask for 3 and we typically get more. This could be that we are trying to learn manners in our house with please and thank you – so I guess a cute 4-year-old who asks for 3 chocolate munchkins and ends with an innocent please gets an extra big handful of treats – lucky her! One time Natalie did this and received an entirely free full-size donut. She was so shocked; she didn’t eat it.

This small tradition dates to when our youngest (Holly) was born and I was a little more tired all the time. Let’s make sure we are all on the same page – I would always get myself an iced coffee for a little extra boost in the morning on Munchkin Friday – and this was likely not my first cup of the day. One day when I was extra tired on our way back to the car, I put my coffee on the roof, put Natalie in her car seat, buckled her in, and got in the driver’s seat and pulled away. As soon as we turned on the street, I realized I left my coffee on the roof. Yikes! When I turned around to see if I might have left it next to Natalie, she was laughing right at me and was announcing to the world ‘Daddy left his coffee on top of the car.’ Sadness and exhaustion ran through my veins but soon this became a story we share with each other all the time always ending with a laugh.

Munchkin Friday is typically paired with Pizza Friday. But that will be for another article.

Until next time…