
A week and a half ago (one week early) the newest addition to the Weiss Family arrived. Her name is (drum roll please!)…. Holly Parker Weiss. The entire experience was once again a reminder of just how amazing Moms are and the multitude of different physical/emotional challenges that they go through to bring a child into this world. Not to mention all that they do after the child is born – but we can save that for another time. Fortunately, both Ashley and Holly are doing great and we are adjusting to our new lives as a family of four.

Even the best planners need to adapt on the fly. With Holly coming a week early, we thought we were ready, but of course we were not 100% prepared. With a few loose ends still open, it was great to have such helpful friends & family along with an amazing team at the office to rely on when we needed them most.

I also promised I wouldn’t do any work while on paternity leave, spending quality family time – but writing these articles and spreading positive news doesn’t feel like work to me! Instead of writing more, I figured I could share a few pictures instead.

Natalie and Holly
Natalie with Holly
Alex and Ashley with their new daughter Holly