Alex Weiss CFP®

A collection of Insights
Carnival day

Fun Day at the Carnival

Summer is in full swing, which means the local town carnivals are starting to pop up and my inner childhood rollercoaster-junkie is filling with nostalgic excitement. I remember growing up in the 90’s when my dad worked for Stop & Shop Technology, and much to my delight they had a summer Employee Appreciation Day at…

Ice Creams

Munchkin Friday

Fridays at the Weiss household are always a little crazy. It usually starts before the sun even rises as we approach the end of the week. Everyone is excited for the weekend, but it is time for our oldest (Natalie) to go to school or now summer camp. I need to speak with my wife…

Jenn's Baby in Cute White Dress

Welcome back, Jenn!

After a 7-month hiatus to care for her newborn baby girl (Brooke), Jenn is coming back to the office part time. She will be working a handful of hours each week and focusing her time on our Jimmy Fund Golf tournament (Monday, September 23rd) and helping to improve our systems for a better overall client…


Welcome Yoyo Chen!

A few weeks back, we welcomed Yoyo Chen to the Napier Financial team. She joined our operations team, and most people on this weekly newsletter will connect with Yoyo (if they haven’t already) in the next few weeks or months. Not only is Yoyo smart and has a wonderfully warm personality, she has a bunch…


Disney For The Win!

Last week, Ashley and I took our two girls down to Disney for a week to spend some much-needed family time together. The trip was a blast and we had near perfect weather to accompany us, which helps. It started with our girls’ first time in an airplane – which, at that moment, was the…

Stop that Train

Just a few weeks back, our oldest, Natalie, asked us if she could take a train ride because she has only seen them and not been on one yet. Not like we avoided it – it just hadn’t happened yet! Then on a bright and sunny Saturday morning, we decided to check the commuter rail…


For Christmas this year, our oldest ask Santa for one thing, and one thing only, a Lego Unicorn. After searching the internet far and wide, the only Lego Unicorn we could find was at Target for $9. We bought this, plus a Star Wars X-Wing that was put in my stocking, and they were both…


Myths About Financial Advice

When it comes to choosing a new financial advisor or evaluating your current advisor, there are some very basic elements that you need to consider. To get you in the right frame of mind, consider these myths and new realities. Myth number one is about competence and success. Believe it or not, the most successful advisors…

Onward to 2024

As I dropped off our oldest, Natalie, at pre-school on Tuesday morning – after two plus weeks off – she was carrying a poster board with her.  She was assigned some ‘homework’ over winter break to share with her class all the things she has done during her school vacation.  Natalie got to pick out…

Team Holiday Pictures

Enjoy holiday pictures from the Napier Team! Natalie Loves Santa! Dante and Deidre wedding picture Reindeer Pancakes! Tom enjoying a glass of eggnog to celebrate the recent Santa Claus rally Tom, Khrista and family Nick, Anthony and Dad Rob, Jenna and their kids Rob’s kids on Christmas Morning! Carrie’s daughters reacting to concert tickets! Beth’s…

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